Install Backtrack 3 to EEE PC internal drive
4GB Version only (this procedure will not work on 2GB EeePC)
First download and burn a copy of Backtrack 3 USB version or Backtrack 3 CD version.
Boot from Live CD & start a new konsole.
Use the mount command to show mounted drives and locate your SSD partitions, (Mine are hdc1,hdc2 & hdc3)
Unmount all the drives found in the previous step using
umount /mnt/hdc3/
We now need to create 3 partitions, 1st at 64meg, 2nd at 250meg and the 3rd will fill the remainder of the drive.
fdisk /dev/hdc
Refer to tutorials available on the net or use fdisk --h for help in order to create 3 partitions.
Once the partitions have been created set the swap partition (2 in my case) using
and entering the input type as 82
write changes using w
If you get any warning or errors at this point then reboot and continue from here. Next commands are
mmke2fs /dev/hdc1
mkswap /dev/hdc2
swapon /dev/hdc2
mkreiserfs /dev/hdc3
User Manuals
Software Guide
Hardware Guide
Install Backtrack 3 to Internal Drive
(4gig+ version only)
Video / Text Version
eee PC Troubleshooting
A list of various problems and solutions on the eeePC.
Backup your eeePC
This guide shows you how to make an image of the SSD including all partitions.
Read the guide
Make a bootable USB flash drive
In this guide we will create a USB stick that boots into Linux Backtrack.
Read the guide